You may be surprised to find out just how different the major brands of boxing gloves are from one another. The two that get the most recognition for being widely different are Cleto Reyes gloves and Grant gloves, while brands such as Everlast, Title and TKO are more moderate. The differences between these professional fighting gloves can make a big difference in how you perform in the ring, and all the way up to the top of the pro fighting game each fighter has their own specific preference.
Cleto Reyes gloves are very popular and well liked. They are known as puncher's gloves, meaning that using these gloves is supposed to be able to make you hit harder. No, they don't have some magic bullet inside, what makes the difference is that the padding of Cleto Reyes gloves are evenly distributed including being found over the wrist area.
Since all professional fighting gloves must weigh the same, the redistribution of this weight away from your fist leaves slightly less padding covering your hand and absorbing the impact of your blows. Cleto Reyes boxing gloves are easily distinguishable because of how small, tight and compact they are.
Grant Boxing Gloves
Grant gloves are the opposite of Cleto Reyes. They have as much of the weight of the glove as possible directly over your hands, leaving you with maximum protection. These gloves are therefore commonly used by fighters who have injured, damaged or brittle hands that are prone to breaking in the ring. The extra padding can help circumvent injury.
Additionally, Grant gloves are used by many defensive fighters. The extra padding in the front of the glove fluffs up the shape of the glove a bit. This makes it easier to pick off shots and block your opponent's fire. These gloves can be easily spotted with their larger size and puffier shape.
Other Brands
As mentioned, the other brands of boxing gloves are harder to tell apart from one another. Everlast, Title, TKO and others generally fall in the middle or moderate range. They have an equal weight distribution are not known to be geared one way or the other towards punchers or defensive fighters.
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